1. I mentioned in my last post that I recently ordered a new lunch box - this one from Ju-Ju-Be. We have one for our daughter and I really love it, so of course I had to order one for myself. It's pretty spacious, smooshes down when not in use, comes in lots of great patterns, and most importantly, keeps things cold! The bag has quite a number of non-food uses too, but we currently use one for all the snacks in our diaper bag and my new one is my daily lunch bag for work. My love for all things Ju-Ju-Be continues to grow and this is just one of my favorites!
2. Hello Trello! If you haven't discovered Trello yet, you don't even know how much easier your life could be. Organization and productivity is my jam and Trello makes it possible! It is an amazing website/app that helps to keep all the things organized. I love that you can have as many boards as you need (I have them for work, home, and planning whatever projects I'm currently working on). A bonus is that you can share Trello boards so easily. And their functionality just seems limitless! My explanation of Trello could never do it justice, so I highly recommend checking it out! Oh, I forgot to mention the best part... Trello is FREE!

3. Another awesome tool I use is HP Instant Ink. As you may know, I'm an elementary school counselor. What you might not know, is that my hubby and I also do some tot-school types of activities at home with our daughter. That means, I like to print a lot of things! HP Instant Ink makes it possible for me to do that without ever stressing out about how much ink I'm using up. HP Instant Ink is a monthly subscription for printing a select number of pages. What that means is if you print a full color poster or two lines of black and white text, it counts as 1 page and it doesn't matter how much ink you use up. The plans are very affordable, and it is so much less stressful than looking for good prices of ink and having it on hand, because they ship ink to your door as you are running low, so you always have ink on hand. I like the flexibility too, because you can buy more pages if you run over your plan (which I have never had an issue with) and they roll over your unused pages! Now, all I ever have to worry about is making sure I have enough paper and cardstock!
If you're interested in trying it out, use this link or referral code j6TMs for 1 free month!
4. I feel a tiny bit silly writing about a stapler, but it truly is one of my favorite school supplies. If you haven't used a PaperPro stapler yet, you are missing out! Again, sounds silly, but this stapler is a game changer. You can literally staple a huge stack of papers with a single finger. I've had mine for over 5 years now and haven't had any problems. The one pictured about isn't the exact one that I have. Mine is PINK, like all my other desk supplies to prevent them from walking away. (PS. This tip actually works.)
5. So this is a bit random, but a lacrosse ball is on my list for a Back to School favorite. They are wonderful for rolling under your tired feet at the end of the day for a foot massage! This can be useful anytime, but I like to add it to my Back to School favorites, because for me, that's when I start being on my feet a lot more and need the extra TLC at the end of the day. You can use the ball on other release points too. Have you tried something like this?
So that's it! Five Friday Favorites today... What are your favorites for Back to School? I'd love to hear!